Friday 23 April 2010

This view of life.

Welcome to my blog. As I write, the sun is setting on a cool spring evening as I sit writing in our nation's capital. The city that, I think, occasionally takes a nap, but is overall somewhat sleep deprived. I've spent four weeks here in the South East and have slotted into the pace and energy of London with remarkable ease, and finding myself suddenly inspired to write I signed up to the internet colossus of Google. Like the city buzzes with movement, people, traffic and energy so too I find my mind is racing with ideas and in need of a creative outlet. I hope that while this weblog serves as a therapeutic tool for my burdensome brain, it may also provide stimulus, entertainment and debate for those of you that care enough to read it. I hope to share my thoughts, views, musings with you in HTML and hope that after a few posts my view of life will become abundantly clear. As an un-muddied lake, as clear as an azure sky in deepest summer. As you may well have noticed, I am a big fan of quotations, lacking as I do so much originality. Points will be awarded for those that spot them and correctly identify their source!

I am a man of limited talents. I was not endowed with sporting prowess, good looks, musical or artistic ability or any great affinity for charming members of the opposite sex. My talents lie in essay writing, the ability to formulate arguments, analytical thought and the odd dash of razor sharp wit. I hope to bring to the page my thoughts on topics that interest me and are worthy of my time. You can expect the odd book, film or TV program review along the way, as well as commentary on current affairs and news items of note. I tend to see the world in very simplistic terms, boiling things down to their essence. I have no time for superfluousness, insipid or vacuous topics and am often criticised for using 'too many big words'. Such harsh criticism of a natural attribute, and as much as I try I cannot see a drawback. I suggest to those that lack the necessary vocabulary function or enough perspicacity to endure my manipulation of English to keep another tab open on their browser set to Others have criticised me for being too cynical, too negative and downbeat. I prefer to think of myself as realistic.

The title of the blog is, to some of you, an obvious homage to an oft quoted passage from Darwin's 'On the origin of species'. Evolution and the related topics of genetics, science and atheism will no doubt all make an appearance along the way, atheism being one of my favourites.

Hopefully given time I can persuade some of you that there is grandeur in MY view of life.

1 comment:

  1. Waheeey, Welcome to the world of Blogging. Excellent start, you have a talent. Looking forward to you ripping things apart on here.
